Legal Disclosure
Information in accordance with Section 5 TMG:
Munich Innovation Ecosystem GmbH
Freddie-Mercury-Straße 5, 80797 München
Legal Disclosure
Munich Innovation Ecosystem GmbH
Freddie-Mercury-Straße 5
80797 München
Represented by
Prof. Matthias Notz
Frizzi Engler-Hamm
Contact Information
Telephone: +49 173 3862862
E-Mail: contact@munich-ecosystem.de
Internet address: www.munich-ecosystem.de
Register entry
Entry in: Handelsregister
Register Number: HRB 220516
Register Court: Amtsgericht München
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VAT identification number in accordance with Section 27 a of the German VAT act: DE 30 17 62 251
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Our web pages and their contents are subject to German copyright law. Unless expressly permitted by law,every form of utilizing, reproducing or processing works subject to copyright protection on our web pagesrequires the prior consent of the respective owner of the rights. Individual reproductions of a work areonly allowed for private use. The materials from these pages are copyrighted and any unauthorized use mayviolate copyright laws.
Picture Credits
1. Hero Images (Hackerbrücke) - wunderland media Gmbh
2. Get involved/Stage image - Munich Innovation Ecosystem
3. Get involved/two people at the desk - Munich Innovation Ecosystem
4. Munich Olympic Park - Pixabay
5. Robot - Munich Innovation Ecosystem
6. People Discussion in Group - Munich Innovation Ecosystem
1. Hero Image (you people sitting on the ground) - Munich Innovation Ecosystem
2. Funding (three people at the desk) - Freepik Premium License
3. Network (Building) - Pixabay
4. Learn (Join Open Learning) - Munich Innovation Ecosystem
5. Imagery Galley - Munich Innovation Ecosystem
6. Footer Image (people emotional group) - Munich Innovation Ecosystem
1. Hero Image (Munich City) - Pixabay
2. Calling Corporates (Group of people in meeting) - Munich Innovation Ecosystem
3. Calling Institutions (Geschwister-Scholl-Platz) - LMU
4. Calling Public Sector Organisations (people in meeting room) - Freepik Premium License
1. Three hero Images - Munich Innovation Ecosystem
2. Our story Images - Munich Innovation Ecosystem
ABOUT US/Projects
1. AI+MUNICH - Pexels
AI+MUNICH for Startups
1. Hero Image (several groups of people networking) - Munich Innovation Ecosystem
2. AI+MUNICH for Startups - Pexels
3. What's in it for Startups (robot) - Munich Innovation Ecosystem
AI+MUNICH for Corporates
1. Hero Image (staircase) - Pixabay
2. What's in it for Corporates - Munich Innovation Ecosystem
AI+MUNICH for Institutions
1. Hero Image - Pexels
2. What's in it for Institutions - Pixabay
AI+MUNICH for Talents
1. Hero Image - Munich Innovation Ecosystem
2. What's in it for Talents - Munich Innovation Ecosystem
1. Hero Image - Pexels
2. What's in it for you - Pixabay
1. Hero Image - Freepik Premium License